A Unique Experience
What do we truly desire in life?
More money or power? To be recognized for our work? Or for our intelligence or appearance? Will any of these things last or truly satisfy us? Will they make us feel that we have attained our purpose?
Imagine a feeling of calm and peaceful awareness blended with being alert, dynamic and efficient.
This seems like a paradoxical combination that would indeed be very special... This state of self-sustaining balance, peace and superior consciousness - called "thoughtless awareness" in a rather direct translation from Sanskrit - has been known for thousands of years as the true goal of seeking one’s Self.
But this attainment cannot be forced. It is the result of a spontaneous internal happening, whereby our evolutionary energy gets activated and flows through our energy centres and eventually rises. When that happens, a state of "Self realization" ensues - with wonderful implications for our body, mind, and emotions.