Keep the smile on

Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, often says “Why be so serious ?…”

It is so true. We live in a most beautiful world, endowed with everything we need to be happy and enjoy together. We have a most amazing amazing body and an even more amazing brain. And we have the most wonderful inner system that is ready to take us further on our evolutionary journey. So what exactly makes us so serious ?

Quite often is the fact that we build way too many mental images of the future and we follow that with expectations based on a linear view of the world. This is when we get stuck a bit too much in our right channel. And the other option is the mirror situation - when we get stuck in the past, on our left channel, and we forget that it is well gone and we need to move on.

So what to do ? Well….smile ! Ideally we would always remember that when we lose the smile we are going away from Reality. Because Reality is beautiful, nourishing, sustaining. Like the Mother Earth. So a grateful smile is the natural response. But this is not easy as we all know. Self-Realization is essential to give us that height of observation, that detachment from the left and the right and bring us into smiling territory. It also helps that the our motherly kundalini energy soothes the ailing of the body, mind and psyche and leaves us free to have our attention on the pure Self, our connection with Reality.

So all is needed is to establish our Self Realization and the smile comes with it !


The egg and the bird


Thinking or awareness - we pick