To Make the Best of Life

We all take as a fact that the best in life comes when all the main parts are balanced and healthy. When our physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, productive and family existence are all “in order” without thriving at the expense of each other, we fully experience the joy of life.

Clearly this is easier said than done. Everyone feels nowadays that despite our best efforts and intentions, it is all but impossible to have everything satisfactorily balanced. Consequently frustration builds and then life becomes an endless chore and starts wearing us down, psychologically, physically and so on. So, where to start ?

Well, how about we start with the joy itself and the impact it has on our general well-being ? In a fascinating twist, we can re-balance ourselves from inside out. We start with the joy and physical and psychological health and then slowly but surely work our way towards the “surface” of life – desert first!

This is not new. Approaching the “best of life” from inside out is the “old”, most traditional way. And – we dare to say – the only safe, sustainable way. The trick is that our internal mechanisms for achieving it need to be fully understood and used. And that’s where Sahaja Yoga meditation comes in. It is a complete body of Self- knowledge and experiential discovery that fully reveals and heals our inner being. And once that is healthy and balanced, we can safely work our way outwards and life “miraculously”finds a way of falling into place !


The Importance of Forgiveness