The middle path
In the medical knowledge there is still preciously little space given to the autonomous nervous system. It is rather paradoxical as this governs a huge part of our bio-psycho-immunological life and provides the backdrop on which our consciousness operates against.
There is also little distinction made between the left and right sympathetic chains. Again rather surprising as the oldest cultures, in both India and China, have both described very similar laterality with the left / lunar / feminine / emotion / desire side and right / solar / action side.
Even less is said about the parasympathetic nervous system though the last few years have seen a bit of a surge in interest as we are slowly becoming aware of its essential role in healing and balancing in all aspects. Again, the middle path was always associated with balance, evolution and enlightenment in the traditional cultures. More recently, a recognition of the fact that current knowledge is mirroring age-old paradigms is emerging through the work of leading scientists such as Dr. Stephen Porges. What we know about our organs and nervous system fits very well the ancient model of chakras and channels and their functions.
But the mere fact of it being “autonomous” means we cannot access it consciously and its regulation remains a “mystery”. But only until we acquire superior awareness through Self - realization. A number of changes occur then which allow us to directly connect with the parasympathetic output and stimulate and amplify its effects to great benefit. Physiologic parameters such as heart rate, surface temperature, etc bear witness to it and the positive consequences are usually clear after a period of weeks or months. This is the mechanism through which many health benefits happen as an aside of our meditative practice. But more on that later….