Form and function
One could not think of a more marvellous result of the power of evolution - integration to the point of quasi-identity of form and function.
Teacher or student
But in the process of teaching one ends up learning many things. And in general we do some of our best learning of a subject when we have to teach it to others.
The Mother of all things
Without a functioning light bulb, we would never know that electricity was flowing through the socket. In a creative dimension, the painting could never materialize the power of creativity of the painter without the help of the brush…
Permanent evolution
According to Hertog, the new perspective that he has achieved with Hawking reverses the hierarchy between laws and reality in physics and is “profoundly Darwinian” in spirit.
A smile for the ages
Throughout this accelerated movement it becomes more and more difficult to hold on to what each holds as most comfortable from the past. But it is also clear that we cannot throw away all eternal human values and content in order to always live on the cusp of the technological waves.
Power of ideals
And this sea of change at every level is testing heavily our capacity to cope, adapt and overall orient ourselves inside and outside.
Unconscious bias
Unfortunately the origin of this ”advantage” is probably in the very distant past where having to choose in a split second if we should fight or flee was indeed a reality.
Inner Peace II
The key here is that the quality of that surface has to be disconnected from what the surroundings are. Most spiritual traditions tell us this, but the way to achieve it is left to each and every one to figure out.
Inner Peace
Conversely, we all have the experience of being in what would appear as excellent worldly circumstances and not feeling at all at peace inside.
The art of giving
Of course, his is just a humorous rendition of an ideal human archetype found through all the great spiritual and philosophical writings from all over the world.