On innocence

How do we define innocence ? The dictionary gives mostly superficial, or even negative (e.g. ignorance) meanings to such a crucial quality and power. It also adds chastity as a synonym, which is rather a consequence of the power of innocence rather than another name for it. The closest dictionary description is of blamelessness - absence of guilt or bad deeds through freedom from evil. Here though innocence becomes a consequence of that freedom rather than its very nature.

Innocence is indeed the true foundation of goodness and the only door towards real spiritual evolution and expression of everything sublime in life. It is not easy to define in words though we all know it when we see it in full form. Innocence is itself the inner power that automatically, intuitively and without thinking, keeps us away from bad thoughts, choices and deeds. We spontaneously keep on the side of balance, respect, straightforward behaviour and staying within our boundaries, thus avoiding harm to anyone as well as to ourselves.

Children of course express it best - if they grow up in the right environment. That unique and supremely joy-giving combination of sweetness, obedient fearlessness, special wisdom and simplicity is the expression of the power of innocence in them. Chastity, purity and balanced, virtuous behaviour all have their root in innocence. When we have managed to conserve or restore that power as grown-ups, we are making a very big step in our spiritual evolution.

The structure of our subtle system is very clear - innocence is the major power of the first chakra, the foundation of our being. Just like the Mother Earth, the element of the chakra, supports our entire existence in so many beautiful ways, innocence supports the power of our Kundalini and gives foundation and balance to our whole being. When we sit on Mother Earth and pay attention to her and her beauty we automatically help the power of innocence blossom within us. And because purity is a direct outward expression of this inner power, also all our other chakras can get cleansed much easier and faster.

Innocence is an eternal power - it is in the fabric of creation. Its lower forms are obvious in inanimate matter as well as all other living things. We would never “suspect” a rock, a tree, a butterfly, a starling, or a lion, of doing anything that is not in their nature and completely spontaneous. The only ones with a capacity to challenge innocence are us, the human beings. As a result it can become clouded and hidden within us, but its shine and outward expressions come back as soon as we stop challenging and start truly cherishing it in ourselves and others. As a consequence, the inner child-like nature is restored and we can easily find our path towards our pure Self and complete enjoyment of life.


Wisdom or intelligence


The pure bond